Dear Lord,
I pray for reconciliation in families, in nations and to you. I pray that all may come to know you and be reconciled back to You.
Lord, you know my faults and my flaws – forgive me for being unkind with my words and my thoughts; forgive me for being self-serving; forgive me for holding on to old wounds instead of giving them to you. Forgive me, Lord.
When I am overwhelmed, confused, unsure, and restless, help me run to your Word. May your Word come alive to me so that it is a living guide in every situation.
Help me, Lord, to remember the promises of your Word and bring the right passage to my remembrance for the situation.
I acknowledge Lord that I need to spend more time with you reading and praying so that I am prepared for whatever the day brings. Lord, I know that your Word is indeed a light unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I submit all to you today, Amen