Mzuzu Police have arrested a 32-year-old man for being found in possession of a muzzle loader without permit.

Muzzle Loader

The suspect who is now in custody has been identified as Mujifumbe Ngala.

According to reports, police received a tip from the community that a certain man was keeping a rifle in Masasa location.

After receiving the tip, police launched an investigation and on 7th September, Ngala was apprehended and his weapon seized.

He will appear in court soon to answer the case of being found in possession of an offensive weapon contrary to section 313 of the Penal Code.

Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police is very thankful to the general public for giving relevant information which assists Police in curbing down the crime in the city.

Mujifumbe Ngala hails from Kazuni village, T/A Katumbi in Rumphi district.

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