Chimweme township in Kitwe  saw  rioting and looting after a Chinese national shot a young teenager girl.

Roydah Mumba, 17, was shot and wounded on her right ankle  by a Chinese national identified as by Gao Em Ming, 42, sparking protests in the township.

Zambia Police Service Spokesperson Mrs Esther Mwaata Katongo confirmed the development.

“There was a shooting incident which occurred 21st September, 2018 around 18:00 hours at Yuchen Investments Limited at a Chinese shop at Spur Shopping Centre in Chimwemwe Township in Kitwe in which Female Nelia Mumba, aged 38 of Chimwemwe Township, Kitwe reported that her daughter Roydah Mumba, aged 17, a shopkeeper at the above shop was shot and wounded on her right ankle by Gao Em Ming, 42, a Chinese National of Lubambe Centre, Parklands in Kitwe, using a 9mm Glock Pistol, Serial number BFZN 775.

The incident happened when the Chinese National who was at the Counter selling in the shop started playing with his Pistol which in the process fired and the bullet wounded the Zambian worker who was standing within the shop” Katongo said.

The victim was rushed to Kitwe Teaching Hospital where she has been admitted for observation.

“After word went round that a Chinese National had killed a Zambian, residents of Chimwemwe Township got infuriated and started throwing stones and looted the Chinese shop” Katongo narrated

Police quickly moved in and dispersed the mob and kept vigil. Between 20:00 hours and 21:00hours, the angry mob moved to another Chinese shop, Xingmei Supermarket in Nakadoli Market in Chimwemwe TownShip which was still open and owned by Female Aimi Yan, aged 45 of Chimwemwe, Kitwe, where the mob damaged the front metal door and four windows, before looting property whose value is not yet ascertained.

Two suspects namely Racheal Mpundu, aged 16 of unknown house number in Chimwemwe was apprehended with a table, duvet, and onother man suspected to have been drunk at the time and refused to give his names, who was found with plastic dishes, a duvet was also arrested .

The Chinese national who shot the worker is currently detained at Riverside Police Station yet to be charged and a pistol with no rounds has been recovered. Scene visited and docket of case opened.

Source : Mwebantu

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