A man in his early 60s has died in a forest in the area of Traditional Authority Dambe in Neno District.

The man, identified as Mr Kapinga who was known for his art of making Mortars (Mitondo) set off for the forest on 25/09/2018 to look for suitable tree trunks for his art. He went alone.

At the forest, he identified a tree and successfully cut it down but as fate would have it, the tree fell on him and rested on his chest and abdomen. Since he was alone, he failed to free himself and just lay there helpless.

In the village, people noticed his absence and on Friday, 28/09/2018, mobilized men went to search him. He was not found until Saturday, 29/09/2018. He was found in a decomposing state.

Police were called to witness the tragedy.

Due to the state of the dead body, the police suggested that the remains be laid to rest right there in the forest but the counsellor of the area (Mr Bwanali) refused and ordered that the remains shoould be taken back home for proper burial.

He was laid to rest on the same day, Saturday 29/09/2018.

Mr Kapinga was a village head (Takomana) and hailed from Chakhumbira village in the area of Traditional Authority Dambe in Neno District.

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