By Robert Kumwenda

Umodzi Party President Professor John Chisi has justified the reasons why his party has decided to make a working coalition with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ahead of the 2019 tripartite elections.

He said the vision of UP is similar to the vision of the governing DPP where they want to see a better Malawi with health people  and educated as well as be number one  on trade in Africa.

“Our party wants to see a Malawi where its people will get jobs through industrialization, that will be achieved by creating of factories in all districts and this is in line with what the current government is doing by creating technical colleges in all districts where the youth are being trained in various skills,” he said.

Chisi said the other vision of the party is to give fertilizer to the less privileged people through the chiefs and the DPP government is doing the same through the subsidy program.

He said on infrastructure development they want to improve the road network for easy communication and DPP led government is complementing the same through constructing roads in different parts of the country.

“On education we are saying that where there is a primary school we are going to build a secondary school and the existing secondary schools will be turn into vocational schools where the youth are going to learn various skills you can see that the DPP government is doing the same through the technical construction of colleges,” he said.

The UP leader said other political parties are copying their manifesto because they are just hungry for power because they do not  have a clear vision of what they will provide to Malawians come 2019.

“This government has demonstrated that they have the good vision and we must support them rather than wasting time to pull them down because if they have failed Malawians have the mandate to move them from the government next year,” he said.

Malawians wants to see change and they cannot return back to the dictatorial rule where political leaders were taken as their bosses not servatnts.

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