Limbe Second Grade Magistrate Court in Blantyre has sentenced a 34-year-old Traceful Maliki to four years in prison after being convicted of stealing K1 million which belonged to his boss.

The court heard through Prosecutor Chris Daluni that the accused was a sales representative for Super Agency Airtel Money business whose owner is Bruno Silasi.

In September this year, his boss became suspicious when the employee had stopped sending daily transaction reports hence he called him to explain what was going on but he failed to give a reasonable explanation.

Upon being unsatisfied with his explanation, the boss took a further step by intervening the police and after being quizzed, Maliki revealed to have used the money to run his personal business in Limbe.

He was arrested and charged with theft by servant which is in contravention of section 286(1) of the penal code.

Appearing in court, he pleaded guilty and asked for a lenient sentence saying he takes care of his grandfather – an excuse which was trashed by the prosecutor who prayed with the court for the accused to be handed a stiff custodial sentence.

The presiding magistrate His Worship George Chimombo concurred with the prosecutor and on October 17 this year, slapped Maliki with a 4 year custodial sentence to act as a deterrent to would be offenders.

Maliki hails from Namatika village in Traditional Authority Kadewere in Chiradzulu.

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