A 28-year-old man in Chikwawa is in police custody for allegedly defiling his own 13-year-old niece.

Joe Block was arrested on Monday after he had been on the run after committing the offence on 19 October, 2018 at Ndeule Village under Senior Chief Chapananga in the district.

According to the district’s police public relations officer, Foster Benjamin, Block is said to have approached the girl who was preparing to go to her school at Dzinthenga Primary in the area.

“At the time, the girl’s parents were away at a funeral in Nsanje District. The suspect requested the girl to cook nsima for him as he claimed he had not eaten anything on the previous day.

“The girl obeyed, and went into her uncle’s (the suspect) house to collect cooking oil as instructed. But immediately the suspect grabbed the victim by her hands and dragged her into his bedroom,” said Benjamin.

Benjamin said while in the bedroom, he produced a knife and threatened to kill her if he dared to protest or shout for help.

Block sexually attacked the girl and handed her a K200 note to seal her mouth.

The victim, however, disclosed everything to her parents upon their return from Nsanje.

She was taken to Chapananga Health Centre where it was established that she really been defiled.

Police arrested the suspect at Kakoma Trading Centre on Monday and charged him with defilement.

Block comes from Ndeule Village in the area of Senior Chief Chapananga in Chikwawa District.


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