According to police in Ireland, a Malawian man identified as Limbani Mzoma who was brutally killed and had his genitals hacked off may have gone through that horrific attack over a stolen IPhone.

Limbani Mzoma

Mzoma, aged 27 bled to death following a horrifying attack at a house in Tudor Lawn, ­Foxrock in Dublin at around 11.30pm last Thursday night.

A Kenyan female suspect, Grace Miano in her 40s, is being held as the suspect in the murder of the Malawian national.

Grace Miano is being held a suspect

The circumstances surrounding Limbani’s murder remain a mystery, but police probing the gruesome incident believe one theory may be he was butchered over a stolen iPhone.

A source told The Irish Sun: “This was obviously a particulary gruesome murder.

“It’s a baffling case and there are a number of theories. But at the moment the main line of enquiry is that this man was killed over a stolen iPhone.”

After hearing about the killing, the victim’s father, Ambrose Mzoma, said: “I’m in shock at the moment. It’s too sad for me and for all of the family. It is too much.

“I cannot believe that has happened. He was a brave, courageous young man. He was very friendly to anyone he met.”

authorities entering the house where the incident occurred

According to his dad, Limbani had been living in Ireland since 2013 and was due to return home next year.

A group representing Malawian nationals in Ireland said they plan to raise funds for the bereaved family.

Mike Kadango, chairperson of the Association of Malawians in Ireland, told The Irish Sun: “It is extremely sad what has happened. It is a terrible tragedy. Our community here has really been hit hard. It is very tragic that a young man has lost his life.

“I didn’t know him personally, but we are working towards gathering more information so we can facilitate the family after the post mortem. We want to help the family in whatever way we can and we hope to work with them. We are planning a gathering to say prayers for him. We are also planning some form of contributions from the Malawian community in Ireland to try and help the family however we can.

“At the moment I don’t know whether he is to return to Malawi — I can’t say anything about that right now, I don’t know.

“We are waiting to hear what the family plans and then help in whatever way we can.”

This is not the first time a Malawian national has been the victim of a gruesome murder in Ireland.

In February 2012, the body of Rudo Mawere, was found stuffed in a suitcase in Dublin.

The 26-year-old business student had been living in Ireland for two years when her body was discovered on Blackhorse Avenue in Stoneybatter.

The main suspect for her murder was a Zimbabwean man who she was in a relationship with at the time of her death. It’s believed he dumped the bag after hearing sirens nearby and then ran into the Phoenix Park.

The following week, he was found hanged in a wooded area in Kent, England.

A suicide note was found at the scene confessing to the murder.


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