There are some entertainment legends we all like to think of as immortal gods, and superhero creator Lee, who died at 95 in Los Angeles, was one of them.

“My father loved all of his fans. He was the greatest, most decent man,” his daughter, J.C., told TMZ of his passing.

Kirk Schenck, an attorney for Lee’s daughter, confirmed his death to the Associated Press, but the cause has not yet been announced.

Writer, editor and publisher of Marvel Comics, Lee had recently suffered multiple illnesses, including a bout of pneumonia earlier this year, which he revealed during during a press conference in February. He said poor health had caused him to cancel several appearances.

“I want you all to know I’m thinking of you, of course I always think of the fans, and I hope you’re all doing well, and I miss you all,” Lee said at the time.

Sure, he was in his nineties — an age many people (let alone celebrities) never reach, but Lee was more than just a celebrity. The Generalissimo, as he dubbed himself and was affectionately referred to by fans, seemed to transcend mortal rules.

Lee was best known as the man bringing Marvel’s superheroes — including Spider-Man, Thor, X-Men and the Avengers – to life in comics, movies and TV shows. On his own and with artist-writers Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby, he made Marvel the top publisher of comic books and a media powerhouse. Lee collaborated with Kirby on the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Silver Surfer and X-Men. With Ditko he created Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.

“I always wrote for myself,” Lee told the Hollywood Reporter two years ago. “I figured I’m not that different from other people. If there’s a story I like a lot, there’s got to be others with similar tastes.”

Source : CNET

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