Truevine International Ministry to build biggest church in Malawi

By Orchestra Kamanga

The Truevine International Ministry which is in Chilobwe Blantyre will construct the biggest church to accommodate more members.

Speaking in an interview Founder of the Ministry prophet David Mpochere said the construction of the church will commerce once the funds has been sourced from its members.

“We started our church in a classroom before building our church and now we plans are underway to build the biggest church to accommodate more members to receive the word of God and salvation,” he said adding that the money to construct the biggest church will be sourced from church members because at the moment they don’t have donors and will also construct a hall.

Prophet David Mpochera also said the Ministry will expand to central and Northern regions shortly because at the moment they have members only not the church.

“We have branches in Ngabu , Dyeratu in Chikwawa, Chilomoni in Blantyre , Migowi and Middleland inn South Africa.

The anointed Prophet said the Ministry will hold crusade in Migowi on December 26 and 27 before having another crusade next year in January to pray for tripartite elections so that they should no violence during campaign period.

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