President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, who is also the Commander-In-Chief of the Malawi Defence Forces (MDF), on Wednesday, led Malawians in welcoming the bodies of fallen soldiers, who were killed in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Mutharika condoled the bereaved families and urged MDF soldiers, who are in DRC to remain strong and soldier on with their peace keeping mission in honour of the fallen soldiers.

“We are all heartbroken…these soldiers were peace loving and they died for a good cause,” said Mutharika in his speech.

On her part, United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator, Marie Jose Torres said Malawi and the UN have lost brave men who ensured there is peace in the world.

She disclosed that the United Nations has instituted a Commission of Inquiry on what happened in the DRC where peacekeepers were killed in action.

The six fallen soldiers are Lieutenant Aubrey Kachemwe, Sergeant Steven Kambalame, Corporal Jonathan Kapichira, Private Chancy Chitete, Private Benjamin Msongera and Private Simplex Taferakaso.

During the solemn occasion, a Tanzanian soldier sent a tribute to late Private Chancy Chitete who he said died while trying to save his life.

Meanwhile the remains of the six MDF soldiers killed in a peacekeeping mission in the DRC have departed to their respective homes for burial.

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