Livingstonia synod General Secretary Reverend Levi Nyondo, has directed that no one should wear political party regalia the Late Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe’s burial ceremony at Bolero in Rumphi.

Nyondo made the order today in Mzuzu when the remains of Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe were leaving for the burial on Tuesday.

“Jappie Mhango, Kenneth Sanga, (DPP) Harry Mkandawire, Catherine Gotani (MCP) Ackson Kalayile (PP) tell your people not to wear party colors. The late Chief was a member of the CCAP, not a member of any of your parties” Nyondo said.

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Kondwani Nankhumwa will represent President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika at the funeral.

Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe, who was born Walter John Hardy Gondwe, died around 9:00pm on 29th November 2018 at Mzuzu Central hospital. Reports from the hospital indicate that the Chief, succumbed to low blood pressure.

Paramount chief Chikulamayembe was born on 24th March 1932 and was installed as Traditional Authority in 1978.

Chief Chikulamayembe was one of the principled Chiefs in the North and was nonpartisan.

Meanwhile Mutharika has ordered that his funeral be accorded a military honour.

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