The country’s former President Joyce Banda has revealed her developmental strategy from next year if she is voted into power which among others is to restore the Mudzi Transformation programme which was introduced when she was in office.

Speaking during the weekend in Thundu in Zomba district, the former president said she will revive all the strategies like the Mudzi transformation, distribution of Cattle to families across the country and some things that she did in her two year’s term of office.

“We did a lot of things which developed the country but you can see how the country is right now.” She said.

She said for the the country to develop it should have food secure and be financially stable.

“I distributed cattle some year’s back, those families who benefited have about four cattle now. That is development. If people do not have money, and food the country can not develop.” She said.

Her coming out confirms her being on the ballot paper without a coalition.

Few days ago there were news headlines saying her Peoples Party – PP and other two parties Malawi congress Party – MCP and UTM are in talks of a possible coalition – the news both teams denied.

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