If the United Democratic Front and Alliance for Democracy Aford and other parties think they are in a government of national unity with the ruling People’s Party(PP), then they will be disappointed.

The PP says it is not in a unity government and that there are no clear guidelines regulating its working relationship with any party, raising fears on durability of such makeshift alliances.

Mr. Henry Chibwana, Secretary General for PP told the media that the current alliances with other parties are entirely based on the prevailing political climate.

“If we talk of 2014 we will field President Joyce Banda as our candidate and we will also field MPs everywhere regardless of the working relationship we have with other parties,” said Chibwana.

The UDF, which has two of its MPs in cabinet, said last week it will consult its supporters on whether to field a presidential candidate apparently because it considers itself to be in GNU with PP.

And Mr. Chibwana was not committed if PP will form an electoral alliance with any party come 2014.

“We are not sure of that,” said Chibwana.

There was no comment from Aford but the party’s chairperson Enoch Chihana, currently in cabinet, told the media in May that his party is still but in GNU with PP

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