A 60-year-old watchman has been found dead after consuming beer on an empty stomach.

According to police report, Lucius Chisamani was found dead on Monday around 2100hrs at Gawaza village in the area of traditional authority Makata in Ndirande, Blantyre.

Brief facts are that the deceased was working as a watchman at Gawaza CBO.

On the said date, he reported to duty while he was drunk and believed not to have eaten any food.

Around 2100hrs, a man by the name Mr John Chiwanda was shocked to have found him lying dead.

Later, his brother 52-year-old Thomas Lucius reported the matter to police and the law enforcers together with a medical doctor from Makata Health Centre came to the scene for viewing.

A postmortem done at the said facility indicated the death was caused by drinking excessively on an empty stomach.

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