Malawi’s President Joyce Banda vowed to deal with the current state of terror in many parts of the country following the escalating levels of criminal activities in recent months.

Speaking in Blantyre during prayers to marks the country’s 48 Independence Day, President Banda without elaborating more, announced that her administration has identified those behind the terror.

The country is experiencing a security break down where murder cases, robberies, house breakings, among other crimes have made headlines almost daily.

The people who are behind the criminal acts, according to Banda are saboteurs who want to discredit her government in the eyes of the public.

“I want to warn those people, who have agreed to terrorise innocent people, in an attempt to sabotage my government. Lucky enough we have already found out who they are, we will deal with them,” said Banda.

President Banda said she has already instructed the inspector General of Police Loti Dzonzi to move and deal with the culprits.

Commentators blame the situation on what they say, is the authority’s soft stance against criminals after the inspector general of police reportedly urged police officers to handle suspects with respect.

Others have also blamed it on government’s decision to abandon the shoot to kill policy imposed by the previous government of late President Bingu wa Mutharika.

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