United Transformation Movement (UTM) aspiring Member of Parliament for Mulanje Central Constituency, Damson Chelewani has obtained an injunction restraining the party from declaring Dr. Michael Usi as winner in primary elections.

The party declared Usi who is also UTM Director of Strategic Planning after his challenger Chelewani failed to show up at the venue of the primaries.

According to information at hand, district governor recommended that the primary polls be held at Ntenjera Primary School ground where Usi and his supporters gathered. Mr. Chelewani and his supporters gathered at Chitsitu, which was contrary to the official venue hence declaring Usi winner.

The development did not please Chelewani who lodge a complaint to the party but his complaint was thrown away.

This forced Chelewani to seek court redress on the matter hence the injunction.

In a related development, dispute has erupted in Lilongwe city South East where UTM contender Luke Mkandawire is protesting results of primary polls won by Levi Luwemba.

The development has forced the party to withhold nomination papers for the constituency.

Meanwhile the party is yet to comment on the matter.

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