Minister of Homeland Security, Nicholas Dausi has commended Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) staff for the good medical care rendered to those injured on their way to John Chilembwe memorial service on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.

President Professor Peter Mutharika announced during the memorial service at Providence Industrial Mission (PIM) that four people had died when a motor vehicle they were travelling in to attend John Chilembwe Day commemorations in Chiradzulu overturned.

Dausi who was accompanied by his deputy, Charles Mchacha said he was delegated by President Mutharika to cheer the sick at the hospital.

“I thought of coming here to visit and see the condition of the survivors of the fatal accident. I should say that I have managed to talk to each one of them and I am happy that they are responding positively to treatment.

“I am happy that there is some progress made and government will facilitate any assistance to help the people injured, even taking them back to their respective homes after discharge.

I would like to commend the medical practitioners at this hospital for the special attention they rendered to the victims,” Dausi said.

QECH chief surgeon, Dr. Kondwani Chalulu said the condition of most victims was stable and that they were being monitored to ensure that all were discharged in due course.

Chalulu said the hospital received 15 patients and that by Thursday seven victims had already been discharged after their condition improved.

“So far, there are eight patients who are victims of the Chiradzulu accident, of which, four are male and the other four are females. Mainly, the patients we received had long bone fractures and head injuries,” he said.

On his way from the commemoration, President Mutharika branched into Nguludi Road and visited the accident scene at Chisombezi near Catholic University.

President Mutharika sent condolences to the families whose relatives were killed in the accident.

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