The Police in Mchinji have arrested a 60 year old former Member of Parliament who served for Mchinji South Constituency from 2009 to 2014 over alleged sexual assault on young girls under the age of 16.

The suspect Jerome Waluza who hails from Mzanda Village, T/A Mabvwere in Mchinji was nabbed during the night of January 18 2019 after police received complaints from girls who had earlier complained to their mothers of being immorally abused.

According to the girls (names withheld) being school learners at Bua Primary School aged 12, 14 & 15 alleges that on January 18 2019 were sent by one of the girl’s Aunt identified as Martha Jentala (24) of Robert 3 Village T/A Zulu in Mchinji to collect money from the suspect since prior to the incident the Aunt was employed by the suspect as a house maid.

When the girls reached the house of the former Member of Parliament they were welcomed by himself who coaxed them to his bed room where he exploited them with a pornographic movie commonly known as blue movie watching through his laptop.

Later the suspect started assaulting the girls indecently by touching their private parts.

It is reported that after being stirred Jerome Waluza sent two of girls to the market to buy him hair chemical leaving a 12 year old girl behind who later turned to be a prey.

After undressing himself, he also undressed the victim and forced her down but before penetration had occurred, she was rescued by her friends who had returned from the market.

Despite the girl being given K2,000 as a mouth close, she disclosed to her mother Kilinesi Chailesi (35) of Nyamayaphwisa, T/A Zulu in Mchinji upon arrival.

This prompted the parents of the girls to lodge a complaint against the suspect at Mchinji Police Station where they were referred to Mchinji District Hospital for examination.

The police further opened a case of indecent assault which is contrary to section 137 of the penal code against the suspect who was arrested same night.

Meanwhile the suspect will appear before Mchinji Magistrate court to answer the charges once investigations are concluded.

Currently a total of five girls have complained to police for being exploited in such kind of immoral behaviors.

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