Monkey-bay Police Post have arrested a couple for stealing a three weeks old baby , Madalitso Chitani.

The incident occurred on the wee hours February 2, 2019 at Chilimba village in the area of traditional authority Nankumba in Mangochi.

The two suspects have been identified as Haji Tambala(38) from Tambala village in the area of traditional authority Kalonga in Salima and Memory Saidi(33) Msakambewa village in the area of traditional authority Ganya in Ntcheu.

It is reported that the mother of the victim Jenifa Lemani(22) is a widow staying in the same village with the accused couple.

On this material day around 0200hrs she left her two children asleep and went outside the house to relieve herself.

When she came back she was surprised to found her little baby missing from where he slept.

The helpless mother informed the community members who joined her in searching but proved futile.

Matter was reported at Malembo Police Unit and the message was spread everywhere around the area.

At dawn the same day, the suspects boarded a minibus which was heading to Golomoti with the stolen baby at Symon Village, a bushy area which is commonly known at Pamtengo Ouma.

Passengers were suspicious since many of them were from the area and had bought the news about the missing baby.

The suspects were apprehended and handed over to the Police. After being quizzed they admitted to have stolen the child.

The biological mother was informed of the development and she identified the baby to be hers.

The couple confessed to have stolen the baby as they have been married for so long but are childless.

According to statistics this is the second incident to happen in the district in the year of 2019.

The two will appear before court to answer the charge of Child stealing which is contrary to section 136 of the penal code.

Therefore the Police in the district is extending their gratitude to members of the community for their support in fighting against crime.

Source : Malawi News Hub

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