Tikonze Alliance leader Dr. Cassim Chilumpha who is also former Vice President has denied pulling out of an electoral alliance with United Transformation Movement (UTM), describing the reports as fake.

UTM entered into an alliance with People’s Party (PP) of Joyce Banda, Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) of Enock Chihana and Tikonze Movement led by Cassim Chilumpha who once served as Vice President under the reign of late Bingu wa Mutharika on Friday.

But on Monday morning, the social media was awash with rumours that Chilumpha is contemplating on pulling out of the alliance due to disagreement over who will partner Dr. Saulos Chilima in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election.

Writing on his official facebook page Chilumpha trashed the reports describing them as fake.

“I would like to distance myself from false news circulating on social media that I have pulled out of the alliance with UTM. Consider such news as baseless and without my blessing. As it stands, I maintain my earlier stand that I will support UTM and Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima. UTM will address the Nation soon on this issue,” wrote Chilumpha.

Meanwhile People’s Party (PP) President Dr. Joyce Banda has pulled out of the alliance citing UTM’s non-compliance with the terms of the agreement and the spirit of solidarity.

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