At the 2008 China-Africa Forum, China promised to help Africa improve its agricultural infrastructure and agricultural technology. More than three years has passed, are these promises becoming reality?

Dancing for a better future, this is the China-aided agricultural technology demonstration center in Malawi. The country is listed as one of the most underdeveloped countries by the UN. 95 percent of its population is engaged in agriculture; however, poor technology results in low productivity.

Pan Hejun, Chinese Ambassador to Malawi, said, “Previously, people here could not plant anything in the dry season. Now, agriculture experts can work in the center and provide technological support even in the dry season. That really contributes a lot to food security.”

For more than three years, Chinese companies have cooperated with Malawi enterprises. And the Chinese side has always emphasized the training of local farmers.

Peter Nelson Mwanza, Malawi Minister of Agriculture, said, “Cotton is new for our farmers. They need a lot of knowledge, which they don’t have to plant the cotton. Chinese companies volunteered to provide training for them so that they can plant cotton of good quality. This has been working very well so far.”

The center is aimed at setting up a sustainable agricultural practice and improving the quality of living for local farmers. For the past three years, more than 10,000 families have benefited from the project.

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