A 27-year-old Kenyan woman has allegedly committed suicide after her beloved husband married a second wife.

The body of Ms Asha Nasiche Wanekeya of Khabondi village in Navakholo constituency was found dangling from the roof of her kitchen on Friday morning by her children.

Police publicist, Jacob Chelimo said the woman’s body was discovered at around 7 am when her children went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

“They raised alarm that attracted neighbours who in turn informed the police. The body did not have any physical injury and was moved to Kakamega county referral hospital to await postmortem,” said Mr Chelimo.

A neighbour, Josphine Wechuli, said the deceased had vowed to kill herself after she learned that her husband, who lives in another area, had married a second wife.

“She should have just moved out of the marriage instead of killing herself. This will not stop the two lovers from staying together,” Ms Wechuli.

She pointed out that the two have been leading a life full of quarrels, which she suspects prompted the husband to marry another wife.

“The husband married a second wife and they are living in Kajiado. This seems to have angered her because she was told a new wife would be brought to replace her,” added Ms Wechuli.

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