Employees at a Catholic institution in Blantyre, Our Lady of Wisdom Secondary School, have downed tools to force the school authorities to address their concerns, which have been outlined in an eight-point petition.

Some of the concerned teachers confided in Zodiak Online that they want the Financial Controller of the institution to be removed or replaced, claiming she is insensitive to workers’ plight.

“We issued a 21-working day ultimatum to management to address our grievances. The ultimatum expired Monday without any action from the management; hence, the move to down our tools,” one of teachers said.

The concerned teacher claimed life has been hard for them since the Financial Controller in question assumed the position in 2016.

The Financial Controller at the centre of the controversy is a nun.

The employees have also demanded reinstatement of suspended loans, annual increments and provision of bonuses and Christmas parcels, among other issues.

“We will only resume work if our grievances would be addressed,” the teachers warned.

The school’s Head Teacher Chrissy Supedi has declined to comment on the matter.

Our Lady of Wisdom Secondary School Board of Governance Chairperson Mr. Andrew Simango asked for more time before commenting on the same, claiming he has no information.

The school has close to 50 employees, and over 400 students will be affected by the strike.

Source Zodiak Broadcasting Station

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