Kaiboi Technical Institute in Nandi County, Kenya on Monday made headlines across the African continent after students went on the rampage after a male learner stabbed to death his female colleague for rejecting his advances.

Chaos broke out after the second-year student attacked the first-year student who was said to have dismissed his persistent demands for a relationship. The incident happened at 6am as they lined up for breakfast.

After he stabbed her, he attempted to run away but colleagues caught up with him.

He was about to be lynched when the police arrived at the institute.

The Institute Principal Charles Koech said they had decided to close it in a bid to defuse the tension following the killing.

“The college will remain closed. Tension has remained high. The students wanted to lynch him but was rescued by police,” he said.

Mr Koech added that the student was already in police custody. He suffered serious injuries after he was beaten by the students and was said to have been taken to Hospital under police watch.

Students who witnessed the attack said the man pulled the woman aside when he saw her on the queue and immediately started stabbing her.

They said he had been stalking her but that she had rejected him.

“He called her on Sunday but she did not pick up his calls. He must have been angry when he saw her today morning,” said a female student.

The body of death student was taken to a nearby mortuary.


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