By Robert Kumwenda

As the 2019 polls are getting closer, and various parties are introducing their running mates. Umodzi party (UP) has Timothy Kamlete as their vice president.

Speaking to this reporter, Kamlete said he has been a member of the party since the beginning of the party.

According to Kamlete, he started politics way back during Kamuzu era and joined active politics ten years ago.

“I joined politics after realising how the country has been governed since Malawi attained independence and he realized that only by joining politics problems in the country can be solved,”said Kamlete.

The vice president of UP said he looked at all the parties in the country then realized that they have all failed the country.

He adds that the only party with strategic plans and good pillars for the national was Umodzi Party that’s when he decided to join it.

“Professor John Chisi who is the president of party is a leader with integrity and he is educated as well,” he added.

The accountant highlighted that the party has pillars like Education for all, Employment for and Justice for all which are to transform the nation.
He further said that people who are educated are able to make informed decisions and able to eradicate their poverty by using the skills they acquired in their education.

“Knowledge is power, educated people are able to make informed decisions in health and as well as all the other decisions so education is important for every nation that is why Umodzi party believes in such pillars,” said Kamlete.

Kamlete has worked with different organisations like Sunbird hotels which was then Malawi hotels as an accountant and an internal auditor, he also worked with Hotel Masongola as the general manager and many other organisations but at the moment he is the board chairperson of Maziko radio.
He also said that problems of development in the country are due to wrong choices Malawians made so this is the time to bring in new blood in the system that’s Umodzi Party.

“Justice is a failure in the country as most culprits are not brought to book,” Kamlete said.

He says it’s time to stop politics of voting for someone who is from your tribe but we should look at what the person is offering as well as their history.

” Umodzi Party is the one and only party which has a pure history and it’s president Professor John Chisi is a man without any history of corruption,” said he.

“With UP in government days of corruption are over,” he said.

He urged Malawians to vote for Professor John Chisi and the Umodzi Party to realise Education for all, Employment for all as well as Justice for all.

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