By Robert Kumwenda (Correspondent)

Poverty and inequality remain stubbornly high in Malawi. The majority of the poor remain locked in low productivity substance farming.

The recent population survey by the National Statistical Office (NSO) showed that the country has the population of 17.6 million which the youth are in majority.

It is a well-known fact that the youth are highly affected by a number of challenges locking the country ranging from unemployment, climate change and early teenage pregnancies.

The youth living in Blantyre City East Constituency are not sparred from these challenges considering the fact that it is also hugely populated and congested.

Having looked at the challenges people in the constituency, and the youth in particular are facing, governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) shadow Member of Parliament for the constituency, Alex Chimwala, has decided to stand as MP with an intention of addressing their challenges.

Chimwala said he introduced a k3, 000,000 football and netball trophies for both boys and girls to make them busy since many have nothing to do which was leading to taking sex as entertainment hence the rise in teenage pregnancies.

“The tournament is being competed by youth from four areas namely St Kizito, Makhetha , Nkolokoti and Makalanga and this is not for campaign but am steering the vision of Professor Arthur Mutharika which is to empower the youth through sports,” he said.

I want to assure the people of this constituency, the youth in particular, that if they choose me as their MP, they should know that they have their man in parliament, and all what l am doing is in both DPP and my manifesto,” he said.

The DPP shadow parliamentarian said he is the citizen of the area, problems that people face in the area also affects him hence the reason to stand saying that he has already started a number of developmental programmes like drilling boreholes, constructing bridges and renovating police units that were destroyed as one way of improving security in the area.

“Am of the view that the social cash transfer system which government is implementing in rural areas be extended to urban areas because there are old people that are suffering because they have no land to practice their farming,” he said.

He said for this to be achieved there is a need for collective effort by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s), the government and everyone.

Chimwala has therefore assured people of the constituency that he is geared to bring change if elected as MP come May 2019.

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