By Orchestra Kamanga

Three Independent Aspirants candidates’ councilors for Soche West Ward, Mc Donald Yagotha Muthali, Evans Ntopi and Kelton Bongah have promised and assured community of Zingwangwa, Manja and 3 ways area that once voted into power in this forth coming tripartite elections they will revamp and renovate Chimwankhunda Dam which is deserted at the moment.

people casting votes

Speaking in an Interview, Mc Donald Yagotha Munthali said Zingwangwa Dam is a Centre of attraction especially for tourists which brings money to the area and has not taken care of for long time hence need urgent renovation.

“Apart from revamping the Dam I have also plans that when ushered into power I will also rehabilitate Zingwangwa youth Centre (ground) because currently it is bumpy which makes tough for the youth to play football and to hold some activities,” he said, adding that he will influence the authority to have an AMBULANCE at Zingwngwa health Centre to shorten the distance for patients to travel long distances.

Another Aspirant candidate Evans Ntopi said once voted into power he will improve sanitation, drill more boreholes, wells, Kiosks and the area will have portable water.

“All councilors have failed to bring tangible development in the community but with my coming things will change automatically,” he said.

He therefore urged voters to vote for him if they need more development in the area.

In another interview, Kelton Bongah said he will improve road network infrastructure for Zingwangwa health Centre which makes tough for the patients to pass though especially when they are travelling in vehicles and become tough for pregnant women to travel on the road.

“Once voted I will put tarmac so that it should be passable for the users when they are seeking for health services at Zingwangwa Health Centre,” he said.






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