President professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has appointed a Commission of Inquiry to thoroughly investigate the attacks, abductions and Killings of Persons with Albinism (PWAs) which has reached a crisis level.

The appointment comes barely a day after Associations of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) led by its President Overstone Kondowe held a peaceful march in the capital Lilongwe demanding action from President Mutharika on the matter.

The protestors are currently being kept at Malawi Institute of Management (MIM) awaiting Mutharika’s return from Mzuzu.

Chief Secretary to President Lloyd Muhara confirmed of the appointment in a statement released on Thursday made available to faceofmalawi.

According to Muhara, the Commission of Inquiry will be chaired by retired Supreme Court Judge Robert Chinangwa.

“ President Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Section 89 (1) g of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi as read with Section 2 (1) of the Commissions of Inquiry Act (Chapter 18:01 of the Laws of Malawi), has appointed a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the spate of attacks, abductions and killings of persons with albinism.

“The Commission, whose appointment is effective 5th March, 2019 is expected to finalize its work and submit a written Report to His Excellency the President by 30th April, 2019.,” reads in part the statement.

Bishop Joseph Bvumbwe, Ms Grace Massah, Ms Abigail Dzimadzi, Paramount Chief Kawinga, Mr George Jobe, Mrs Hilda Soko and Mrs Mrenda Vokhiwa Kapenga are some of the members of the Inquiry.

Meanwhile President Mutharika has ordered t meet APAM members in Mzuzu today.

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