The Malawi Police Service have recovered over K40 million worth stolen property in Blantyre as they step up security in response to a spate of armed robberies, burglaries and murders that have escalated in recent months.

Limbe Police spokesperson Chifundo Chibwezo told Capital Radio that during their operations they have also recovered two guns and fourteen rounds of ammunition.

The items are generators, mattresses, television sets among other items.

Escalating criminal activities such as armed robberies, burglary, murders and house breakings have been making headlines in recent forcing some members of the public to call for the re-introduction of the shoot to kill policy which was abandoned after the death of former President Bingu Wa Mutharika.

However, speaking to members of the media recently Police Chief Loti Dzonzi said his officers could only implement the policy if it was provided for in the constitution.

He has vowed to fight crime with a human face.

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