The United Kingdom based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has tipped President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the Democratic Progressive Party DPP to win the May 21 elections.

This has been revealed in the latest report released on March 18, 2019 made available to faceofmalawi reporter.

According to EIU report, Mutharika will secure victory in the forthcoming May 21 tripartite election as there is no threat on hi.

“We expected President Mutharika to be re-elected in the forthcoming polls as there is no any serious threat on him from any other candidates,” reads in part the report.

The report further states that, DPP will remain the largest party in Parliament.

Besides President Mutharika’s economic and development delivery record, the EIU says Malawi Congress Party leader Lazarus Chakwera, UTM president Saulos Chilima and Joyce Banda of the Peoples Party and their parties pose no serious challenge to President Mutharika and the DPP.

EIU has cited lack of policy alternative and internal divisions as factors that will contribute to Lazarus Chakwera and MCP’s loss in the elections.

In the latest report, EIU reiterates the continuing divisions in MCP, saying “chronic infighting continues to plague” the party. Analysts point out that to date, Chakwera has made no known effort to mend fences with the old guards who he banished from the party.

Meanwhile Banda has pulled out of the Presidential race and endorsed Chakwera as the rightful candidate in the forthcoming polls.

The report has attracted mixed reactions with many criticizing it.

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