A 104-year-old grandma who has never been arrested by the police as she has never been on the wrong side of the law, has finally had her wish come true after she requested that the Police have her arrested.

Anne Brokenbrow, who is a resident at Stokeleigh Care Home in Stoke Bishop, Bristol, was ‘detained’ by two officers as part of a charity event, Daily Mail reports.

The home is one of five facilities in the area participating in the Wishing Washing Line initiative.

And just a few days later her dream came true when three police officers came to her home, handcuffed her and sat her in the police car.

When he arrived at her care home in Stoke Bishop, Bristol, PC Stephen Harding from Bridewell Police Station told her: “I’m arresting you on the grounds of being an upstanding citizen for the past 104 years.”

She told staff at her care home her desire to be arrested as part of a charity scheme where residents write down what they want most, and organisers then emailed the police to see if they could make it happen.

Anne – who has never committed a crime – grinned as local officers arrested and bundled her into a cop car.

She said: “I had a lovely day it was interesting. Nothing like that ever happened to me before. They put the handcuffs on, I had the lot.

“What did it feel like being a criminal? Well it will make me much more careful of what I say and do. But the police were very nice throughout.

“It was a very pleasant interlude. And its been a very eventful day. I get to a lot of different activities here – I have a go at everything, they’re very nice to me.”

PCSO Rob Cole said: “It was our first time arresting anyone at a care home. She was surprised to see us, I don’t think she could remember at first that she’d wanted to be arrested.

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