Former People’s Party (PP) Deputy Secretary General Faustace Chirwa has joined the United Transformation Movement (UTM) of Dr. Saulos Chilima.

UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati welcomed Chirwa in Dowa during the official campaign and Manifesto launch of the party in Dowa on Sartuday graced by the Party’s President.

Kaliati said Chirwa was the main man behind Joyce Banda’s first endorsement of Chilima as the right candidate in the forthcoming May 21 polls and the failed alliance between UTM and PP.

Chirwa dumped PP last week citing Joyce Banda’s alliance with the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) of Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

“The reason for my resignation is that I had endorsed the initial decision the PP National Executive Committee had made a month ago to go into an alliance with the United Transformation Movement/Party for the sole purpose of supporting Rt Hon Saulos Chilima to lead this country after 21 May 2019 guided by his transformative vision he has for this country! I was happy with the Party’s earlier stand.

“I honour the Party’s abrupt change of thought and its decision to form an alliance with the Malawi Congress Party and the part the PP President would play in the Alliance supported by the PP National Executive Committee including its Membership and wish the Alliance well,” wrote Chirwa.

She added: “Since my whole purpose for supporting the Former President and her Party has been to see her lead the Nation after May 21 her unexpected change of heart and her withdrawal from the Presidential Race has totally devastated me and undermined my advocacy in promoting her to be the country’s leader once again! I was always proud to associate myself with the Former President and to serve on her NEC. Suffice to mention that I don’t subscribe to the decision to work with MCP and it’s leadership, not for any negative reason but simply guided by my right to freedom of association!”

Meanwhile PP is yet to comment on Chirwa’s move to join PP.

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