MMedical Council of Malawi (MCM) has disqualified and suspended four clinical officers over alleged unprofessional conduct.

The council has also warned three clinical officers on similar grounds, following incidents that occurred between 2011 and 2018.

In a report released on March 23 2019, MCM says it has erased an aesthetic clinical officer Annuel Kadyenji from the register of anaesthetic clinical officers while Andrew Kondwani and Victor Masina have been erased from the register of clinical officers.

The report says Kadyenji of Thyolo District Hospital, during investigation was found guilty of negligence after allegedly abandoning a female patient in labour ward under spinal anesthesia which contributed to her death from cardiac arrest.

Kondwani from Ntchisi District Hospital and Kadekwa of a private clinic was found guilty of alleged negligence related to the practice of performing a hysterectomy towards a female patient who was scheduled for surgery at Ntchisi District Hospital while Masina allegedly registered with the council using an alleged fake diploma in clinical medicine.

On the other hand, the council’s board has suspended Emmanuel Chiweta of Dowa District Hospital for two years, from 2018 to 2020, for alleged sexual assault of a female patient while working in STI clinic as an STI provider.

MCM acting Registrar, Richard Ndovie said the removed clinical officers would no longer work in the country and the world.

Ndovie said while the council strives to bring sanity to the medical profession, it was working towards improving medical practice in the country.

“We encourage members to participate in continuous professional development. Medical professionals need to upgrade knowledge now and then to avoid incompetence. We are also monitoring health facilities to be in contact with the practitioners because some of the cases are intentional while others are not,” he said.

MCM acting Registrar said the council investigated more than 10 cases.

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