University of Malawi (UNIMA) Council has assured that the delinking of the university would not render job losses for their employees.

UNIMA Council Chairperson, Reverend Billy Gama confessed this on Wednesday, on the graduation of the second associate of the year 2017/2018 at Chancellor College (Chanco) in Zomba.

Legislators approved three bills to separate Universities under UNIMA.

However, Gama confirmed that all the university’s employees would not lose their job because of the de-linking of UNIMA.

“The Chancellor of the University of Malawi, Professor Peter Mutharika, instructed me that I must make sure that no one loses his or her job after the splitting of the University of Malawi into three, so I assure everyone that nobody will lose their job over the disbandment,” Gama said.

He added: “For instance, we are now going to have three vice chancellors because of the coming in of the three universities.”

UNIMA Vice Chancellor, John Kalenga Saka, said that de-linking process would create more space for other students to attain higher education.

“As you have already seen, there are new structures here at Chancellor College and The Polytechnic which will accommodate open and distance learning. This will create a window for other students to attain higher education,” Saka said.

Saka added that the university continues to grow as it engages its international stakeholders.

Meanwhile, the graduation ceremony involved 610 students from Chancellor College, The Polytechnic and College of Medicine.

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