The Minister of Youth Development & Sports Honourable Enoch Chakufwa Chihana MP and Deputy High Commissioner to the UK His Excellency John L. Tembo cordially invites all Malawians, Friends of Malawi and all interested groups to a reception in honour of Malawian Olympians.

Venue: Kwacha House, 70 Winnington Road, Hampstead, London. N2 0TX

Date: Friday, 3rd August 2012

Time: 18.30 pm

Entry Fee: £5.00

Let’s mingle and congratulate our Malawian Olympic Team.

Listen to our Minister of Youth Development & Sports regarding Malawian policies and priorities on sports and young people’s involvement to development especially those in the diaspora.

This is a chance to welcome and meet our new Deputy High Commissioner His Excellency John Tembo Jr.

Meet Malawi’s up and coming vibrant fashion designer Lilly Alfonso currently in the UK for the London Africa Fashion Extravaganza and other Malawian Artists.

Edith Parker 07931353737
Peter Makossah: 07584712501
Phyllis Sweetjuici: 07445849516

See you there!

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