By Robert Kumwenda

Shadow Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu South Constituency Oliver Nakoma has accused Shadow Member for the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) who is also Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Joseph Mwanamveka of fueling political violence in the constituency.

Nakoma said he is being victimized because is prevented from addressing political rallies a situation which is very worrisome.

“I have already logged a complaint to the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and the Police because if this continues l may not accept the results,” he said.

He said Mwanamveka prevented him from addressing a political rally at Mulinde ground at Namitambo in the area of group village headman Kuchombe because Mwanamveka sent people to pray football on the ground.

“I decided to address my political rally at another ground close to the same ground and am wondering why he is doing this to me only among the shadow Members of Parliament that are contesting in the area,” he wondered..

Nakoma said if this continues there will be chaos in the area because everyone has got the right and freedom to conduct political rallies according to the electoral laws.

There has been no immediate comment from Mwanamveka.

The shadow Members of Parliament that are contesting in the area Oliver Nakoma Independent, Morgan Chirombo of the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Peter Tikiwa of United Transformation Movement (UTM) and Joseph Mwanamveka of (DPP).

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