Airtel Malawi through its Airtel money trust fund has donated desks and re-used sanitary pads to Mvama primary school in Lilongwe as on way of promoting quality education in the country.

Speaking at the event, Misheck Kavuta Airtel Senior Business Manager said the donation is part of their corporate social responsibility.

He further said that the donation has been made possible with the support from the Ministry of Education Science and Technology considering the fact that education is one of the key areas to be looked at with keen interest.

He added that Airtel believes education is the greatest element to development.

“As Airtel we believe that education is a great element when it comes to development,” Kavuta said.

Commenting on sanitary pads, Kavuta said it is one way of keeping a girl child in school and improving girl’s menstrual hygiene.

Mvama Primary School Cecilia Makutu hailed Airtel for donating the items and described it as timely.

She further added that the donation will help students’ to learn comfortably and reducing poor menstrual hygiene.

She said “You may agree with me that in Malawi a girl child  can be absent from school for so many days in one term just because she is going through a monthly period, now with this donation of re-usable sanitary pads the problem will be minimized,”

 She also appealed to other well-wishers to consider help Mvama primary school as the school is facing a lot of challenges.

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