With the upcoming presidential election, another controversy has arised involving Republican candidate Mitt Romney . He and his election team have been accused of purchasing Twitter followers after he received a ridiculous spike in followers over a two day span

t has been reported that Romney acquired nearly 24,000 new followers on July 20, which wouldn’t seem that suspicious if the following didn’t happen. He somehow managed to gain around 750,000 new followers on the following day, July 21. It is believed that Romney or one of his representatives paid a social networking site to add thousands of followers to his official Twitter account.

Not helping his case is the fact that the majority of these new followers are dummy accounts, meaning they are most likely fake accounts with default images, few to no tweets, as well as few to no followers. The Twitter tracking site 140elect.com noticed the immediate spike in followers on Romney’s site, and this news immediately erupted in the Twitter world as people instantly began accusing Romney of buying new followers.

Romney’s campaign has denied all of these allegations as well. Mitt Romney ’s campaign digital director Zac Moffatt has stated that he has reached out to the Twitter corporation to find an explanation for the unexpected growth.

People don’t realize how simple it is to “cheat” your way into acquiring mass followers, Facebook likes, video views and more. It is a very popular industry for people to boost their way to the top, and once they reach the top they can easily gain popularity because of their increased reputation.

Social media boosting sites like Buy Real Marketing allows people to buy packages for low prices that can easily boost Twitter followers in a low amount of time. Following the Romney Twitter scandal, Buy Real Marketing recieved a boost in sales and they began expressing their reliability and success rate even more. If Romney really did consult with Buy Real Marketing, then the company now has great supporting leverage to their claims of adding followers quickly while adhering to the recepient’s privacy.

It is never recommended for anyone to simply buy their way to the top in a controversial manner like this allegation. Search engine optimization is the proper and professional way to gain popularity to your site. For professional social media consulting, visit RankExecutives.com. This type of SEO is safe, professional and efficient to improve your site’s reputation.

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