A 20-year-old woman has claimed her world is now complete after she married her zombie doll.

Felicity Kadlec, from Massachusetts, has revealed she tied the knot with the ‘love of her life’ Kelly Rossi, a zombie doll that she claims is 37 years old.

Felicity and her Zombie doll

The ceremony, which took place in Tiverton, Rhode Island, cost Felicity $500, which covered her own wedding dress, a tuxedo for Kelly and decorations for the outdoor venue.

Felicity, who now lives in Vinita, Oklahoma, claims that marrying Kelly has made her feel closer and more intimate with her

Felicity said: ‘Our wedding ceremony was beautiful and perfect – exactly the way I dreamed it would have been.

‘I made sure that the whole wedding was done properly so it would be as official as possible, and we consummated the marriage afterwards.’

Felicity, who says that she has had boyfriends in the past, explained that Kelly takes on the male role in the pair’s relationship.

‘She is a tom boy so [she] wore a suit – I feel she was most comfortable as the groom,’ she explained.

‘Despite having been in a relationship with Kelly for four years, getting married to her has made me feel so much closer to her, both emotionally and intimately,’ Felicity added.

Felicity was initially gifted Kelly by her late father after becoming obsessed with horror movies and zombie dolls.

She said: ‘I found Kelly on a creepy doll collection website and my dad bought her for me when I was 13.

‘It wasn’t until I was 16 years old that I started to get feelings for her, but it was something that I kept on trying to deny’. 

When her father died last year, Felicity found herself becoming closer with the doll, and finding comfort in it, as it was something her father had bought for her.

She explained: ‘I finally allowed myself to be open with who I was and let my feelings come out and, despite not everyone agreeing with my love life, I have never felt happier.’

Felicity said that once she started to feel more confident in her relationship with the doll, she knew she had to take things one step further.

‘I knew I had to marry Kelly, but I waited until September as that’s the same month as our birthdays so I knew it would be extra special,’ she said.

Describing the doll on their wedding day, Felicity said: ‘Just seeing her at the alter when I walked down the aisle was amazing, and to me she looked beautiful.’

Despite Kelly’s zombie-like appearance, Felicity claims that she loves her doll deeply and wouldn’t change it for the world.

She said: ‘I married Kelly but only because I accept her for who she is, I look past her bloody face and I don’t mind her not having a jaw.

‘Also her spirit and personality traits made me know that she was the one for me and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her,’ she added.

And not only does Felicity have feelings for the doll, the 20 year old claims that Kelly loves her back.

She explained: ‘To me, she is perfect, and I can feel that she loves me very deeply and I can sense her happiness since we have married.’

Felicity also revealed that her relationship with the doll is romantic, and that the pair share ‘intimate moments’ together.

She explained: ‘I am intimate with Kelly – I caress her and feel safe with her, and I feel a genuine connection when I’m having an intimate moment with her.’ 

Source: MailOnline

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