By Orchestra Kamanga
The Aspirant parliamentarian for Blantyre Bangwe Constituency Orphan Shaba an Independent candidates has assured the people in the constituency that once ushered into power on May 21 tripartite elections he will bring more developmental projects and programs.

Speaking in an interview Shaba said he decided to contest as Parliamentarian for the area to empower the youth, women and men economically at the constituency despite of their political affiliations, race, religion, age and tribe.
“I will contest as independent Parliamentarian so that I should work with all people despite of their political parties UTM, UDF, MCP DPP,” he said.
He promised he will bring potable water, drill more boreholes, promised to construct more primary schools and to rehabilitate Namatapa Primary school which is at dilapidated state and toilets are closed.
Shaba has also promised to build a clinic at Mpingwe area.
He further said there is no Ambulance at Bangwe clinic which makes transportation to be very difficult but once voted into power he will provide an Ambulance at the clinic using personal money.
As part of wowing more voters, he donated reflectors to motor bike operators and urged them to vote for development continuity.