Unknown people last night vandalized a billboard bearing President Peter Mutharika’s name switching on the MAREP project at Karonga district hospital turn-off.

The development comes barely days after suspected youth cadets for the ruling Democratic progressive Party (DPP) vandalized a billboard bearing the face of United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Dr. Saulos Chilima in the same district.

The billboard was placed side by side with that of President Peter Mutharika.

According to information at hand, the unknown thugs have also vandalized Mutharika’s billboard placed at Karonga Magistrate court.

Police are yet to effect any arrest on the two incidents.

On Monday upon arrival in Mzuzu, UTM President Dr. Saulos Chilima condemned the recent vandalism of UTM campaign billboards.

He has however told his supporters not to retaliate but rather go out in large numbers to vote for him and UTM.

“Osalimbana nawo, ma flag savota, amavota ndi anthu,” said Chilima while attracting ululation from the people gathered at Katoto Freedom Park.

 He has said the growing reports of corruption in the country smack of incompetence of the current regime.

Chilima is in the North to conduct whistle stop tour dubbed Imbizos ahead of the May 21 tripartite election.

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