Group village headman Mchacha of Chididi in Nsanje called on politicians campaigning in the area to consider their areas in terms of developmental activities once in power.

Mchacha said the remarks at his headquarters where a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) contestant Helen Buluma organized a campaign rally.

In his remarks Mchacha expressed worry with the behavior of politicians who come in the villages with innocent faces to seek for votes but turns out to be wolves once voted into power.

“You call us to support you to attain the position of a president, Member of Parliament and councilor yet when you ascend to power you never consider us as part of your development agenda,” said Mchacha.

According to Mchacha his area needs two critical development that should be considered with urgency, which are good road and portable water.

In her remarks Buluma said she will do anything possible to develop the area once voted into power.

She further added that she is a developmental minded woman who has already started meeting relevant stakeholders to solicit development ideas and implement them.

“I am doing development through the help of NGOs I have approached to help where I see there is need and I talk to relevant government authorities that have responded positively, especially on recent disasters, and you are all to witness to this,” she said.

She also promised people of the area that she will ask government to extend the road project of Nsanje-Marka to benefit the people of the area.

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