United Transformation Movement (UTM) running mate Micheal Usi has labeled campaign donations by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as disgrace.

Usi made the remarks during his highly attended political campaign rally in Phalombe north.

In his remarks Usi said the campaign donations of bicycles that the DPP government is donating, its money would have been used to improve the welfare of citizens.

“The money could have been used to pay teachers arrears as some of them have stayed over three years without the arrears,” Usi said.

He further added that Malawians are living in abject poverty as a result of some few reckless leaders who think highly of themselves.

He further described DPP leaders as heartless who only need people during elections.

He further told the people that their value is not in any way related to bicycles.

“Your value is much more than bicycles which comes after every five years during an election,” Usi said.

He therefore asked the people to vote DPP out and vote in UTM and its leaders for massive development. 7X�ч��σ)�

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