Speaker of parliament Mr. Henry Chimunthu Banda says youths need to have an input on issues affecting them.

Mr. Chimunthu Banda was speaking at the launch of the youth parliament in Lilongwe on Wednesday.

“There have been instances when people have been making decisions on behalf of the youths, yet the youths are not consulted.” Mr. Chimunthu Banda said.

It is for this reason that he says it was decided that there be a youth parliament to give the young people a forum to voice their views on national issues.

He explained that it is in parliament where youths will be able to advocate for their right and come up with resolutions that will be passed to the main house.

“The resolutions made in the youth parliament will reach us in parliament’, said Chimunthu.

Speaker of the youth parliament Mr. Dyson Maliro called upon youths participating in the youth parliament to have a sense of responsibility and commitment to issues affecting the youths in and out of the chamber.

He said the youth have solution to their problems.

The youth parliament starts sitting on 23rd and ends on 24th of August.

The launch was spiced by a dinner where living former speaker of parliaments were present.

Malawi will next year host the African youth parliament on Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

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