Deguzman Kaminjoro, United Transformation Movement (UTM) supporter has apologized to the the Chewa Heritage Foundation for branding the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) as a party full of ancestral spirit dancers.

Kaminjoro posted on his official facebook page a statement demeaning the Chewas ahead of the forthcoming May 21 polls.

“It must be frustrating being MCP knowing that the election might be stolen and not knowing how. Vuto la Chipani chongozaza ndi alimi ndi dance ya mizimu,” wrote Kaminjoro.

The remarks attracted strong condemnation from all corners with many including the Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEFO) calling for an apology and immediate retraction of the remarks.

UTM Party also distanced its self from Kaminjoro’s remarks, saying the party does not subscribe to tribalism remarks.

Due to pressure, Kaminjoro has issued an apologetic statement to CHEFO and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) of Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

“After consultations and advice from Family, friends from across the political divide, I have decided to abandon my earlier stance and hereby APOLOGISE to the Chewa Heritage Foundation over a remark I made days ago. Like wise, I withdraw the remark entirely.

“I have had a frank and convivial discussion with Mr Richard Mdyetseni, CHEFO Secretary general where he outlined the sensitivity of such remarks, especially now, in these elections season, when tempers are already high,” wrote Kaminjoro.

He added: “On my part, I acknowledged the ill timing of such a remark, but explained to him there was no malice or intentional ridicule intended for the Chewa Tribe, their cultural beliefs, or the farmers in Malawi.

“None the less, the remarks were uttered, and I take full responsibility and retract without any conditions.”

Below is Kaminjoro’s apology;

After consultations and advice from Family, friends from across the political divide, I have decided to abandon my earlier stance and hereby APOLOGISE to the Chewa Heritage Foundation over a remark I made days ago. Like wise, I withdraw the remark entirely.

I have had a frank and convivial discussion with Mr Richard Mdyetseni, CHEFO Secretary general where he outlined the sensitivity of such remarks, especially now, in these elections season, when tempers are already high.

On my part, I acknowledged the ill timing of such a remark, but explained to him there was no malice or intentional ridicule intended for the Chewa Tribe, their cultural beliefs, or the farmers in Malawi.

None the less, the remarks were uttered, and I take full responsibility and retract without any conditions.

Way forward I want Malawians to know the following:

1. These were my remarks, which I have already taken full responsibility for. I urge politicians not to leverage on them by associating them with Dr Saulos Chilima, UTM or any political party. Or my family. Or my business associates. Or my church.
2. I am NOT a member of UTM. Have never held a position even at the lowest level. My association with UTM is merely as every Jim and Jack potential voter.
3. My stance is sincere. It hasn’t been forced or coerced, as such I urge everyone who might have aligned with me over the issue to stop antagonizing on social media, members of CHEFO. I have noted with regret acrimonious innuendos against Mr. Chikumbutso Mtumodzi. Chikumbutso is my friend from long time ago and no matter the circumstances we will never become enemies. We spoke out our differences last night and decided our friendship is more important than our political differences.
4. Finally, I urge Malawians to move forward. No ones wins or loses in a conflict. We can do better and more if we disregard our tribal and cultural differences, and simply do things as One Malawi.

May the spirit of our God be with us all.

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