Ballot Papers for the May 21 tripartite elections are expected to arrive in the country on Monday and Tuesday next week.

This has been said in a statement released by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

In the statement MEC said the ballot paper will arrive in the country via Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.

“the ballot papers will arrive at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe as follows: • Monday, 13th May, 2019: Flight number EK9747 will land at 12:20 in the afternoon delivering all Local Government Elections and half of Parliamentary Elections ballot papers. Tuesday 14th May, 2019: Flight number EK9747 will land at 12.20 in the afternoon delivering the rest of Parliamentary Elections ballot papers and all Presidential Elections ballot papers,” reads part of the statement.

The statement continue saying that the ballot papers will be kept secured at the airport until May 16.

In the statement, political parties are asked to send their monitors to witness the receipt and warehousing process of the ballot papers.

The Commission will provide special accreditation for such monitors and they will be the only ones authorized to be present during this exercise.

The statement added that further details can be obtained through the Director of Media and Public Relations.

Meanwhile, the Commission has postponed parliamentary elections for Lilongwe South following the death of UTM candidate, Agnes Penemulungu. However, the Presidential and Local Government Elections will proceed.

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