The United Nation (UN) has resolved to award the ‘Captain Mbaye Diagen Medal for Exceptional Courage’ to late Private Chancy Chitete who was killed in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) while trying to save badly wounded Tanzanian soldier.

This has been announced by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, saying the award will be given this coming Friday May 24 during the UN Peacekeeping commemorations at UN Headquarters in New york.

The Diagne Medal was established in 2014 “to recognize men in Uniformed and civilians personnel who demonstrated exceptional courage” , is named for late Captain Diagne who saved hundreds of lives in 1994, before he was killed while serving as a UN Peacekeeper in Rwanda.

The first Inuagural award was given to Diagne’s Family  in his hounor in 2016, but despite a number of remarkable nominations over the past four years, the awarding of the medal to Private Chancy Chitete of Malawi will mark the first time the actions of UN peacekeeper have been found to meet the standard set by Captain Diagne.

Below is the statement;

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