As counting of votes is underway in most parts of poling centers across the country, United Transformation Movement (UTM) has been hit badly in parliamentary polls as gurus’ fall.

This is according to unofficial results of the May 21 tripartite elections the country held.

Top officials of UTM that have failed to attain back their parliamentary seats include Secretary General Patricia Kaliati, UTM patron Noel Masangwi and Campaign director Lucius Banda.

UTM candidates are trailing badly against their rivals Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

The first voice in endorsing Vice President Saulos Chilima and formulation of UTM Calista Mutharika, is also seem to be trailing behind MCP’s George Zulu.

Meanwhile UTM leader Saulos Chilima is trailing on third Position in the ongoing vote counting process. L0����j

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