As industrial actions by employees of various public institutions in demand for a pay rise continue in Malawi, Blantyre city council workers have this morning also downed their tools demanding 150% salary increment.

The workers have abandoned their offices at the civic center and other works stations and are gathering at the council’s fire brigade department premises at Ginnery Corner.

The workers are demanding a 150 percent pay hike, citing what they call an unprecedented rise in the cost of living.

Those who spoke to Capital FM claim that the action is a desperate attempt to get attention from their bosses, whom they accuse of not being responsive to their grievances for a long time.

The situation has been described as peaceful but tense at the moment and police officers have also been spotted on site.

There has been no comment from council or government officials on this development, so far.

If not resolved on time the strike is likely to affect a number of operations of the city council including revenue collection.

So far crucial tasks such as refuse collection may be affected since most of the refuse collection trucks have been seen packed at the council’s premises.

The Joyce Banda government devalued the Kwacha by almost 50 % a development that triggered the rise of prices of good and services in the country.

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